Revenue Warns of Email scam

Ireland’s Revenue Commissioners warns of an email which claims to be from the Revenue requesting personal information relating to a tax refund. The scam or “phishing” emails contain either of these subjects ‘Claim Your Tax Refund...

General Advisory: watch out for domain scams

Over the last few weeks, eTailor have been contacted by a number of concerned clients who have received an unsolicited email regarding their company name and website. This is a general advisory to all about these scams, along with some background information. The...

Warning to all .ie domain name owners

Irish companies warned about bogus unsolicited letters regarding their domain names. According to the Irish Examiner, several dozen Irish companies have received letters from a company called “Internet Register Ireland”. This company, with an address in...

.ie is safest doman (TLD) in Europe

According to a recent survey by McAfee, over one third of websites registered with the “.cm” domain extension pose a security threat to web surfers. According to a recent survey by McAfee, over one third of websites registered with the “.cm”...

Global upsurge in spam

After a quiet end to 2008, this year has seen intense spam activity After seeing a solid dip in overall spam levels in 2008 due to several high profile arrests, there has recently been a global resurgence with the re-emergence of new spam operators. MessageLabs said...

Spam Volumes Drop by Two-Thirds After Firm Goes Offline

The volume of junk e-mail sent worldwide plummeted this week after a Web hosting firm identified by the computer security community as a major host of organizations engaged in spam activity was taken offline. Earlier this week, Internet providers McColo Corp., a...