Jun 25, 2014 | General, Social Network Marketing
Google Places has been upgraded to Google My Business! As part of Google’s ongoing efforts to improve users navigate through their products and services and to make using these services easier, Google has amalgamated Places or Business Listings and twined it...
Apr 30, 2014 | Advertising, Social Network Marketing
Do you know if your business is targeting the right Social Media Platform…. There are some interesting insights into how clients and consumers use different Social Media laid out in the graphic below. Are you using the most popular outlets instead of what...Jul 25, 2012 | Social Network Marketing
A recent survey by American Express OPEN has found that 35% of US business are using LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to increase exposure for their products and services, more than double the amount from 2009. The small businesses surveyed expressed a need for social...Jul 11, 2011 | Social Network Marketing
A dramatic shift is taking place in the workforce that requires leaders to adopt a new strategy to attract, retain, and effectively communicate with Generation Y workers. …for information on how you can utilise SNM (Social Media Networking) techniques for your...May 10, 2011 | Advertising, Social Network Marketing
It’s been a long wait, but Google have finally launched their business pages for Google+ As you may be aware, Google is now offering Google Pluspages for businesses. Since the launch of Google Plus in June this year, there are already over 40 million users. So...
Nov 27, 2010 | Social Network Marketing
70% of respondents to a survey said they use search engines, online directories and social networks when looking for information about local businesses. According to the Local Search Usage Study conducted by comScore, non-search engine queries (Facebook, LinkedIn etc)...