Ireland’s Domain Registry ( are resuming the ability to register 1 and 2 letter domain names in it’s .ie namespace.
Registration will begin from 21st February 2016 and offers more than 600 possible combinations.
Competition is expected to be high for Irish companies planning to register their 1 or 2 letter domain names.
Sample 2 letter domain names are,, in the policitical areas or, and in other professional sectors. Sample 1 letter domain names are,, and
Moreover a business may choose to use their companies initials to create a 1 or 2 letter domain name.
Read Irish Domain Registry’s (IEDR) press release.
[message_box title=”” color=”blue”]Register your Interest for a 1 or 2 Letter Domain Today![/message_box]
This has been due to a number of reviews and requests to allow such a process. Currently IEDR has a 10 Step Policy Development Process (PDP) and this Development Group strongly felt it was key to hear opinions of all involved in using the .ie namespace.
Although time is short to get your 2 letter .ie domain name; beginning 21st February 2016 and closing 22nd March 2016. The IEDR is providing further material on the policies change charting the planned amendments.
If more than one company wishes to register the same 1 or 2 letter domain, then the Irish Domain Registry will auction these name. After the deadline, 1 and 2 letter domain names not previously registered will be available to the general public on a first come first served basis.
As an IEDR Accredited Reseller, the team at eTailor can process your 1 or 2 domain name request.
If you’re interested in having a 1 or 2 letter domain registered, contact our Domain Registration team at or call 01 – 275 1690 before the 22nd March 2016 deadline.