Google Mobile Algorithm Bots are getting another update, this time to reflect Site Speed
Currently when Google Bots crawl your mobile web pages, if you have better performing desktop version pages this will override the poor speeds of the mobile friendly pages. This means that even a poor mobile friendly website can still show higher in racking due to their better desktop counterparts. But according to Gary Illyes Google are updating their mobile algorithm, a Google Trends Analyst, while in Australia at the Search Marketing Summit 2016 in response from a Tweet by Jennifer Slegg; responded that:
@jenstar for now this is still just a plan so there’s not much we can say, but generally aim for great scores on the pagespeed testing tool
Google Algorithm’s originally started taking page speed as a factor back in April 2010. Matt Cutts former head of Webspam in Google indicated that slow page load for mobile pages would be a negative element.
Google is periodically making updates to their algorithm’s for both desktop and mobile. There are some 200+ ranking factors taken into account when Google crawls your website. Google is keeping almost all these factors hidden, but occasionally Google rep’s and spokespersons have revealed some of the more known aspects and this it seems will now include mobile page speeds.
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While you personally don’t need to know the full particulars of How to optimize web pages for SEO and rank better in Google, this is what a good SEO expert will carry this out for you. But if you’re looking to see how well your website is doing in Google’s mobile page speed insights, use their handy pagespeed insights tool. Should the results returned be below Google’s recommendations, contact us to discuss improving your website’s mobile page speeds.
If you’re website is not already on a Responsive platform, this most likely will be a contributing factor for the reduction in mobile page load time.
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Given this change, it would seem that Google are now working with two types of Bots crawling websites. The original for desktop and tablet and now this dedicated Mobile Algorithm for mobile devices. This can be all to the good for both the users on the devices and businesses presenting superior mobile versions of their websites.