Now You Can Get Your Business’s Gaeilge Domain Name
The Irish Domain Registry (IEDR) are now making domain names with Fada’s available. These new Gaeilge Domain Names are called IDN’s or Internationalised Domain Names. However, it must be noted that they are only available to Dot IE TLDs.
This means that you already have the assurance of a quality Irish TLD (.ie) and the securities it encompasses along with the knowledge that your potential customer base knows your business is guaranteed Irish.
What are Fada’s in the Irish (Gaeilge) Language?
Fada’s can be found on vowels a,e,i,o,u in Gaeilge. Like the French ‘Accent’, adding a Fada will change the pronunciation of a word. They are called Síneadh Fada’s and lengthen the sound of the letter containing the Fada.
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What could this mean for your business name?
Well, if you have a business name that includes a Fada within it’s name, you now can promote the true name of the business. Alternatively, if you have an English spelt business name and want to target Irish consumers, promoting your business with it’s Irish spelling could be the key to increase trade. Having a Gaeilge domain name can help you especially if you are targeting Irish speaking visitors.
Outlined below is a sample of behind the method how IDN’s work on browsers.
How To go about getting your Internationalised Domain Name?
The process to apply for an IDN is similar to the regular process for registering an .ie Domain Name. The cost of an IDN is the same as regular .ie domain names.
As proud resellers for IEDR, eTailor will arrange to purchase your new IDN Dot IE domain name.![etailor iedr accredited registrar]()
Fill in the form or contact us directly to speak to a member of our friendly team on 01-275 1690, our phone lines are open 9am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday.